Entries by nascer.pt

Visita Científica no nascer.pt – Patrizia Quattrocchi (Universidade de Udine, Itália)

Entre os dias 3 e 9 de setembro de 2022, a investigadora Patrizia Quattrocchi, da Universidade de Udine (Itália), estará  em visita científica no nascer.pt – Laboratório de Estudos Sociais sobre o Nascimento, do Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia do Iscte (CIES-Iscte). No âmbito desta visita, Patrizia Quattrocchi vai promover duas atividades abertas […]

Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 countries of the WHO European Region

Lazzerini, M. et. al. (2022), “Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 countries of the WHO European Region”, in The Lancet Regional Health Europe, vol. 13, 100268. 

“You’re in a Hospital, Not a Hotel!”: An Ethnographic Perspective on Consumer Culture, Privilege, and Obstetric Violence in Portugal

Capítulo de Livro | Barata, C. (2022), “”You’re in a Hospital, Not a Hotel!”: An Ethnographic Perspective on Consumer Culture, Previlege and Obstetric Violence in Portugal”, in Castañeda, A. N. et. al., Obstetric Violence: Realities, and Resistance from Around the World. Demeter Press. (pp. 159-176)