Obstetric Violence as Gender-based Violence

Capítulo de Livro | Barata, C., Simões, V. e Soromenho, F. (2023). “Obstetric Violence as Gender-based Violence”. The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence. Londres e Nova Iorque: Emerald Publishing.

Body Broken in Half: tackling an Afro-Brazilian migrant’s experience of obstetric violence and racism in Portugal through art making.

Artigo | Barata, Catarina (2022). Body Broken in Half: tackling an Afro-Brazilian migrant’s experience of obstetric violence and racism in Portugal through art making. REVISTA [CON]TEXTOS N.º 10

Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 countries of the WHO European Region

Lazzerini, M. et. al. (2022), “Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 countries of the WHO European Region”, in The Lancet Regional Health Europe, vol. 13, 100268. 

“You’re in a Hospital, Not a Hotel!”: An Ethnographic Perspective on Consumer Culture, Privilege, and Obstetric Violence in Portugal

Capítulo de Livro | Barata, C. (2022), “”You’re in a Hospital, Not a Hotel!”: An Ethnographic Perspective on Consumer Culture, Previlege and Obstetric Violence in Portugal”, in Castañeda, A. N. et. al., Obstetric Violence: Realities, and Resistance from Around the World. Demeter Press. (pp. 159-176)

“Mix of Races, Bad Uterus”: Obstetric Violence in the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Migrants in Portugal

Artigo | Barata, Catarina. 2022. ““Mix of Races, Bad Uterus”: Obstetric Violence in the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Migrants in Portugal” Societies 12, no. 3: 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc12030078

COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.

Artigo | Barata, Catarina, Dulce Morgado Neves and Mário JDS Santos (2020) “COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Rapid Response Blog Series

Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal

Artigo |Delaunay, C. (2017), Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal. Fórum Sociológico, 30.

Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography

Artigo| Barata, C., Coutinho, L., Manfredi, F., & Schamarella, M. (2020). Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 198(1-2), 247–251.

COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.

Artigo | Barata, Catarina, Dulce Morgado Neves and Mário JDS Santos (2020) “COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Rapid Response Blog Series