Longitudinal effects of contextual and proximal factors on mother-infant interactions among Brazilian adolescent mothers. Infant Behavior and Development

Autora: Eva Diniz Schiro Artigo | Diniz, E., De Sousa, D., Koller, S.H., & Volling, B.L. (2017). Longitudinal effects of contextual and proximal factors on mother-infant interactions among Brazilian adolescent mothers. Infant Behavior and Development, 43, 36-43 Resumo: Adolescent mothers often come from vulnerable backgrounds which might impact the quality of both maternal and infant […]

Research on natural settings: observing adolescent mothers and infants throughout the first postpartum year. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Scienc

Artigo| Diniz, E. & Koller, S. (2018). Research on natural settings: observing adolescent mothers and infants throughout the first postpartum year. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 52, 104-115.

Maternidade naturalizada: roteiro de um projeto”, in Neves, D. M.; Santos, M.; Pintassilgo, S. (Orgs.), Nascimento e Outros Debates: Género, parentalidade e criação

Capítulo de livro (e-book)| Neves, Dulce M. (2019), “Maternidade naturalizada: roteiro de um projeto”, in Neves, D. M.; Santos, M.; Pintassilgo, S. (Orgs.), Nascimento e Outros Debates: Género, parentalidade e criação, Lisboa, CIES-IUL.

Vulnerabilidades na saúde: Controvérsias públicas em torno da procriação medicamente assistida em contextos de ambivalência e incerteza.

Artigo| Delaunay, C. (2014). Vulnerabilidades na saúde: Controvérsias públicas em torno da procriação medicamente assistida em contextos de ambivalência e incerteza. Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, 7(1)

The beginning of life in the laboratory: The challenges of a technological future for human reproduction.

Artigo | Delaunay, C. (2015) The beginning of life in the laboratory: The challenges of a technological future for human reproduction. Technology in Society, 40

L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé

Artigo | Delaunay, C. (2017). L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé, 15.

Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal

Artigo |Delaunay, C. (2017), Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal. Fórum Sociológico, 30.

Mapping socio-technical controversies about same- sex couples’ access to assisted reproductive technologies in France and Portugal. Salute e Societa

Artigo | Gomes, C. D. (2018). Mapping socio-technical controversies about same- sex couples’ access to assisted reproductive technologies in France and Portugal. Salute e Societa, 17(2), 72-89.

Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography

Artigo| Barata, C., Coutinho, L., Manfredi, F., & Schamarella, M. (2020). Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 198(1-2), 247–251.

COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.

Artigo | Barata, Catarina, Dulce Morgado Neves and Mário JDS Santos (2020) “COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Rapid Response Blog Series