The beginning of life in the laboratory: The challenges of a technological future for human reproduction.

Artigo | Delaunay, C. (2015) The beginning of life in the laboratory: The challenges of a technological future for human reproduction. Technology in Society, 40

L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé

Artigo | Delaunay, C. (2017). L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé, 15.

Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal

Artigo |Delaunay, C. (2017), Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal. Fórum Sociológico, 30.

Mapping socio-technical controversies about same- sex couples’ access to assisted reproductive technologies in France and Portugal. Salute e Societa

Artigo | Gomes, C. D. (2018). Mapping socio-technical controversies about same- sex couples’ access to assisted reproductive technologies in France and Portugal. Salute e Societa, 17(2), 72-89.