The place of episiotomy in history: A sore review

Artigo| Sofia Rodrigues; Néné, Manuela. “The place of episiotomy in history: A sore review”. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 9 4 (2019): 122-128.

The Use of Birth Plan to Support Waterbirth: A Qualitative Approach

Artigo| Néné, Manuela. “The Use of Birth Plan to Support Waterbirth: A Qualitative Approach”. Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics 6 2 (2020): 024-030.

Sexuality and childbirth: a qualitative analysis of women who had a waterbirth

Artigo | Camargo, Joyce; Araújo, Natalucia; Catão, Lígia; Sarubbi Junior, Vicente; Silva, Lucia Cristina; Nené, Manuela; Grande, Maria Catarina (2020), “Sexuality and childbirth: a qualitative analysis of women who had a waterbirth”. Culture, Health & Sexuality (2020): 1-8.

God was the first anaesthetist

Artigo| De Luca, F. (2018), «“God was the first anaesthetist”: obstetrics and pain in Lisbon at the turn of the 20th century», Etnográfica, vol. 22 (3)

Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography

Artigo| Barata, C., Coutinho, L., Manfredi, F., & Schamarella, M. (2020). Doctoral research work and work of care: reflections in times of a pandemic. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 198(1-2), 247–251.

COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.

Artigo | Barata, Catarina, Dulce Morgado Neves and Mário JDS Santos (2020) “COVID- 19 Containment Measures, Perinatal Experiences, and the Fight for Childbirth Rights in Portugal.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Rapid Response Blog Series

Coagir ou Emancipar? Sobre o Papel da Enfermagem no Exercício da Cidadania das Parturientes

Livro | Tereso, A. (2005). Coagir ou Emancipar? Sobre o Papel da Enfermagem no Exercício da Cidadania das Parturientes. Coimbra, Formasau.

Quotidianos Contemporâneos que Medeiam o Início da Vida: Conceitos, Realidades e Desafios

Livro | Tereso, A. (2016). “Quotidianos Contemporâneos que Medeiam o Início da Vida: Conceitos, Realidades e Desafios”. In T. Rebelo, I. Ferraz, M. Quaresma, O. Fernandes & G. Carneiro (Eds.), Quando o Silêncio se Faz Fala: a Escuta na Aprendizagem do Cuidado de Enfermagem (41-56). Loures, Portugal: Lusodidata.