“Mix of Races, Bad Uterus”: Obstetric Violence in the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Migrants in Portugal

Artigo | Barata, Catarina. 2022. ““Mix of Races, Bad Uterus”: Obstetric Violence in the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Migrants in Portugal” Societies 12, no. 3: 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc12030078

Seeking the Ideal of Universalism within Norway’s Social Reality.

Artigo | Mehrara, L. (2020). Seeking the Ideal of Universalism within Norway’s Social Reality. Social Inclusion 8(1), 133-144. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/si.v8i1.2535

Health Equity and Universal Provision in Norway: A Case Study

Artigo | Mehrara, L., & Young, S. (2020). Health Equity and Universal Provision in Norway: A Case Study. Nordic Journal of Social Research, 11(1), 39-65. Doi: https://doi.org/10.7577/njsr.2638

Immigrant women’s experiences with Norwegian maternal health services: implications for policy and practice

Artigo | Mehrara, L., Olaug Gjernes, T. K., & Young, S. (2022). Immigrant women’s experiences with Norwegian maternal health services: implications for policy and practice. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17(1), 2066256. https://doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2022.2066256

Ultrassonografia obstétrica e a sua relação com a secundarização da experiência da mulher grávida

Autores: Monalisa Barros Artigo | Barros, M., Abbés, C. (2019), “Ultrassonografia obstétrica e a sua relação com a secundarização da experiência da mulher grávida”, in Revista Psicologia Diversidade e Saúde, vol. 8 (3), 347. Resumo: O exame de ultrassonografia obstétrica não faz parte da rotina de pré-natal recomendada pela OMS ou pelo Ministério da Saúde. […]

Variations in childbirth interventions in high-income coutries: protocol for a multinational cross-selectional study

Autores: Monalisa Barros Resumo: There are growing concerns about the increase in rates of commonly used childbirth interventions. When indicated, childbirth interventions are crucial for preventing maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, but their routine use in healthy women and children leads to avoidable maternal and neonatal harm. Establishing ideal rates of interventions can be […]

Validity and Reliability of the perinatal anxiety screening scale in a Brazilian sample of pregnant women

Autores: Monalisa Barros Resumo: Introduction: The Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale was translated and validated for European Portuguese (PASS-29; Pereira et al. 2019), from the original PASS (composed of 31 items; Somerville et al. 2014) to allow epidemiological and correlational research and early detection, which is an health policy imperative. This need also applies to Brazil, […]

Profile of mood states-27: A valid and reliable measure of negative and positive affect for Brazilian pregnant women

Autores: Monalisa Barros Resumo: Introduction: The original Profile of Mood States (McNair et al. 1971) is composed of 65 items to measure six affect dimensions. There is a Portuguese shorter version (POMS-27) for the perinatal period (Bos et al. 2013), which reduced the number of items (adjectives) down to 27. Although briefer, it still covers […]

Levels of depressive and anxious symptoms of pregnant women before vs. during the COVID-19 pandemic

Autora: Monalisa Barros Artigo| Barros, M., Aguiar, M., Azevedo, J. e Pereira, A. T. (2021). “Levels of depressive and anxious symptoms of pregnant women before vs. during the COVID-19 pandemic”, in European Psychiatry, vol. 64 (online). Resumo: Introduction: The effects on the population’s mental health due to the rapid global spread of COVID-19 are even greater for […]

Childbirth expectations questionnaire – a psychometric study with a sample from Brazil

Autora: Monalisa Barros Artigo| Barros, M., Aguiar, M., Pereira, A. T. e Macedo, A. (2021). “Childbirth expectations questionnaire – a psychometric study with a sample from Brazil.”, European Psychiatry, vol. 64 (online). Resumo: The Childbirth Expectations Questionnaire (CEQ; Gupton, A., Beaton, J., Sloan, J. & Bramadat, I.; 1991) evaluates the women childbirth expectation’s with 34 items […]