Maternal Health Services: an equal or framed territory?

Artigo | Topa, J., Nogueira, C. & Neves, S. (2017). Maternal Health Services: an equal or framed territory?, International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 10(2). doi: 10.1108/IJHRH-11-2015-0039 

Depressão pós-parto e o papel social da mãe: experiências e representações sobre a fase puerperal

Artigo | Cronemberger, L. F.; Franch, M. (2017), Depressão pós-parto e o papel social da mãe: experiências e representações sobre a fase puerperal. In: Seminário Internacional Fazendo Gênero, Florianópolis.

Trends and consequences of the technocratic paradigm of childbirth in Portugal: a population-based analysis of birth conditions and social characteristics of parents, Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

Artigo| Pintassilgo, S.; Carvalho, H. (2017), Trends and consequences of the technocratic paradigm of childbirth in Portugal: a population-based analysis of birth conditions and social characteristics of parents, Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, vol.13, 58-67

O impacto da crise nos nascimentos em Portugal: uma perspetiva territorial

Capítulo de livro| Atalaia, S., Cunha, V. (2017), O impacto da crise nos nascimentos em Portugal: uma perspetiva territorial. In: João Ferrão & Ana Delicado (Eds.), Portugal Social em Mudança. Retratos Municipais, pp.33-41, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa

Capturing the complexity of practice as an insider: in-labour ethnography, in Church, Sarah et al. (eds.), New Thinking on Improving Maternity Care: International Perspectives

Autor: Mário JDS Santos Capítulo de livro| Clausen, J., Santos, M. (2017), Capturing the complexity of practice as an insider: in-labour ethnography, in Church, Sarah et al. (eds.), New Thinking on Improving Maternity Care: International Perspectives, London: Pinter & Martin Ltd. Resumo: N/D Consultar: International/dp/1780662408

Where the thread of home births never broke – an interview with Susanne Houd, Women and Birth

Artigo| Santos, M. (2017), Where the thread of home births never broke – an interview with Susanne Houd, Women and Birth, Vol.30, Issue 2

Longitudinal effects of contextual and proximal factors on mother-infant interactions among Brazilian adolescent mothers. Infant Behavior and Development

Autora: Eva Diniz Schiro Artigo | Diniz, E., De Sousa, D., Koller, S.H., & Volling, B.L. (2017). Longitudinal effects of contextual and proximal factors on mother-infant interactions among Brazilian adolescent mothers. Infant Behavior and Development, 43, 36-43 Resumo: Adolescent mothers often come from vulnerable backgrounds which might impact the quality of both maternal and infant […]

L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé

Artigo | Delaunay, C. (2017). L’insupportable et l’incertain: proximité et dés- attachement dans l’assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur. Anthropologie & Santé, 15.

Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal

Artigo |Delaunay, C. (2017), Activismos virtuais em matéria de Procriação Medicamente Assistida em França e em Portugal. Fórum Sociológico, 30.